One of the greatest gifts our students receive during the school week
is the gift of the Eucharist, when we all celebrate the Holy Mass together as a school family.
Weekly Mass is held on Wednesdays at 9:30 am. in St. Paul’s Church.
When the occasional schedule change is needed
(due to holidays, special activities, etc) this will be communicated. You can also view the school calendar under "Events" for mass changes.
Parents & family members are always welcome to join us for Mass. Please wait outside the Church doors to receive a wrist band from a Staff Member or wear your School issued lanyard. Anyone not wearing a wrist band or lanyard will not be permitted to enter. The Church doors will be locked promptly at 9:30.
Our children at St. Paul’s are the future of our parish…a big responsibility!
Students play an active part as ministers at Mass.
They sing in the choir, serve as lectors, gift bearers and ushers.
St. Paul’s is blessed with a wonderful committee of volunteer Liturgy Moms
who train and prepare our student ministers for these leadership roles.
Participation & reverence during Mass are expected of all students,
even our youngest children.
Click here for choir information.
Our 7th grade students sit with their kindergarten buddy
to help them follow the Mass and model appropriate behavior.
Teachers practice proper gestures and responses with their students.
Hymns and acclamations are taught in weekly music classes.
Parents can echo these lessons when the family attends Mass on the weekend.
The Book of Proverbs tells us:
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
See you in church!